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VERIFY: H.R. 6666 provides testing and tracing funding, makes no mention of vaccines
VERIFY: H.R. 6666 provides testing and tracing funding, makes no mention of vaccines
VERIFY: H.R. 6666 provides testing and tracing funding, makes no mention of vaccines
Fact checking COVID 19 Bill 6666
VERIFY: Answers about HR 6666 and the COVID-19 vaccine
Does H.R. 6666 require vaccination?
VERIFY: House bill doesn't enforce mandatory at-home testing or authorize forced quarantines
Menendez Reacts to Senate Passage of TRACED Act
Will You Be Tracked by 'Big Brother' App? - House Bill 6666 Calls for Contact Tracing
Fake stimulus checks, mandatory vaccines and COVID-19 survival rates explained | Verify
Speech in Opposition to H.R. 6
VIDEO: Contact tracing program expected to begin in May